Churchill's Secret Messenger Plot Summary Rose Teasdale is a typist in Winston Churchill's Cabinet War Rooms, located under Westminster's Treasury building, where she shares a cramped space with other civilian typists and switchboard operators. Her brother, Charlie, has already died in the war, and when her parents are killed from German Luftwaffe bombings, Rose vows to do anything she can to defeat the Nazis, even if it just means working double shifts typing confidential reports. This book is overflowing with accurate historical facts, yet it reads like a thriller. When Winston Churchill learns his British typist speaks French with a fluent accent, he recruits Rose for his Special Operations Executive, which is an espionage network that infiltrates Nazi-occupied Europe. Rose undergoes a grueling training program before she is parachuted with her team into Nazi-controlled France where she is received by the French Resistance. Roses's codename is Dragonfly , and she
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